Tasks to be performed by the contractor
The contractor is responsible for providing the following services for a webinar series consisting of 6 webinars with the option of extension.
1. Overall conceptual design and its components of the Webinar Series
2. Logistical and Technical Support for the Webinar Series
3. Documentation and Communication Support for the Webinar Series
Conceptual Design of Webinar Series
The contractors supports the conceptual design of the webinar series as a whole as well as each individual webinar. Support to the conceptual design of the webinar series includes defining the overall objectives and outputs of the series and its components. The draft concept note will be revised and elaborated including the selection and definition of topics to be addressed in the individual webinars.
For each individual webinar, the contractor will provide a brief concept note of no more than 5 pages comprising:
- Background information on the topic and relevance for Qudra 2 and partners,
- Justify and outline the challenge to be addressed by the webinar;
- identify focus areas and contents for discussion questions,
- list of potential speakers
- Outline and flow of webinar
- expected and verifiable results according to the objectives listed above
On the basis of the concept notes, the contractor will support GIZ in identifying and inviting expert speakers on the topics, from implementing agencies working in the region as well as stakeholders from the countries bordering Syria. Identified speakers will be identified and selected by the management of Qudra 2 jointly with contractor based on their reputation, profile, relevant experience, regional perspectives, etc. The contractor will support the development of selection criteria as well as a consultation process that will involve the donors of the programme at HQ and country level, the Qudra 2 Implementing Partners and selected other stakeholders. GIZ will be responsible for agreeing speakers’ fees and their payment. GIZ will ensure that the conceptual development reflect its donors’ perspectives of the Qudra 2 programme. Regular feedback loops (in writing and in meetings) will be designed and operated.
Communication Support for and Documentation of Webinar Series
The contractor will provide communication support for the webinar series. To this end, the contractor will create standardized “thematic briefs” for distribution in advance of each webinar. The webinar will outline the objective of the webinars, the discussion questions and provide background information on the topic as well as brief biographical notes on the speakers. The aim of the thematic briefs is to set the scene for each webinar to inform participants about the nature and expected results of the discussion. The thematic briefs will be no more than 3 pages including visuals. Furthermore, the contractor will document the discussions taking place during the individual webinars and provide a summary of discussions for the participants in the webinars. The summary will not exceed two pages.
Finally, the contractor will document the results of the webinar series as a whole. Two outputs are expected to be finalized no later than 4 weeks after the final webinar:
- An internal report providing key information on discussions held, results against overall objectives identified above as well as participation (no more than 14 pages plus annexes, English language)
- A summary publication for distribution by the Qudra 2 programme and/or its donors. The publication will highlight the key conclusions from and outcomes of the webinar series (no more than 10 pages, made available in English, Arabic, Kurdish and Turkish).
The contractor will develop and use templates for all published document in consultation with the Communication & Visibility team of the Qudra 2 programme. All published documents (invitations, save the dates, thematic briefs, webinar summaries and summary publication) will be developed in English and translated into Arabic, Kurdish and Turkish.
Logistical and Technical Support for the Webinar Series
The contractor will provide logistical and technical support for the webinar series.
The contractor will propose a draft schedule for the webinar series taking into consideration major public holidays in Europe and the Middle East.
Online Platform
The contractor will identify a technical platform on which the webinar series can be conducted. The contractor will ensure accessibility of the platform as well as compliance with requirements of the General Data Protection Regulation of the European Union. The webinar platform provide the following functionality:
- Remote simultaneous interpretation in up to four languages (English, Arabic, Turkish and Kurdish).
- provide basic interactive functionality, e.g. to conduct quick surveys with webinar participants
- possibility of recording webinars
- Accessible via mobile phone (e.g via an App) on IOS and Android
- Share presentations and other content, including video (with transmission of sound)
- Allow for customized branding of the webinar series.
- Provide a public meeting chat for all participants in the webinar
The speakers in each webinar series will receive a technical briefing and platform test in advance of each webinar.
Invitation and Participant Management
The contractor will implement the invitation and participant management system for the webinars. This includes ensuring that:
- Save-the-date emails will be distributed no later than 4 weeks before the scheduled date of a webinar
- Input documents will be distributed no later than 1 week before a webinar
- A reminder email will be distributed the day before the webinar
- organizers have a detailed overview of participation
- participants can be contacted after the webinar to distribute minutes etc. or respond to a brief survey
- Documentation of the webinar will be distributed no later than 2 weeks after the webinar took place
It is expected that an online platform will be used for this purpose. The contractor will ensure that relevant demographic information of participants is captured to support the programme’s monitoring and evaluation requirements. This entails collecting information on participants age, gender and – if resident in Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon or Turkey – their self-identified status as a refugee, IDP etc. Brief surveys of participants of webinars will be conducted to collect feedback on the webinars.
In implementing the participant management system, the contractor will ensure compliance with the requirements of the General Data Protection Regulation of the European Union. Invitations / registration will contain all relevant information for participants to provide the informed consent to their data being processed.
Personnel concept
The bidder is required to provide personnel who are suited to filling the positions described, on the basis of their CVs (see Chapter 7), the range of tasks involved and the required qualifications.
Team leader (key expert)
Tasks of the team leader
- Overall responsibility for the work packages of the contractor (quality and deadlines)
- Coordinating and ensuring communication with GIZ, partners and others involved in the project
- Conceptual development of the webinar series (as outlined under 2.1): Developing concept for individual webinar series, identifying speakers etc.
- Support to document / communication of webinar series (as outlined under 2.2)
- Regular reporting in accordance with deadlines
Expert 1: Documentation and Communication Support (key expert)
Tasks of expert 1
- Preparation of communication materials for the webinar series
- Support to documentation of webinar series
Expert 2: Technical and Logistical Support
Tasks of expert 2
- Coordinates and executes technical and logistical tasks as described under Chapter 2.3 above; Responsible for management of contractors for the platform (including its sub-contractors) as well as invitation management.
- Facilitates communication with webinar series participants to address technical issues and other queries