Asst Admin Officer at UNHCR.

Provision of Equipment and Services for Setting Up 3 Reclamation Centers


General Background Information

On December, 1991 the Turkey adopted the Montreal Protocol which is committed to the elimination, through defined schedules, the substances depleting of the ozone layer – ODS listed in annexes A, B, C and E of the Protocol. In order to support the implementation of the Montreal Protocol, the HCFCs Phase-out Management Plan (HPMP) was approved in December 2012 in Montreal by the Multilateral Fund and the project is executed with UNIDO as lead implementing agency. Turkey decided to implement controls on F-gases through a national By-law on F-gas that is based on the EU Reg. (EC) 842/2006 which entered into force at the beginning of 2018. According to the Survey Report carried out from April to August 2019, the most commonly used ODS alternatives in Turkey include HFC-134a and HFC-152a. The second most commonly used alternative is HFC-152a has been widely used for all XPS foam producers. Other HFCs are generally used as components of blends used mainly in the refrigeration, air conditioning; in middle scale in foam and small scale in firefighting and other applications. The two HFC blends currently used are R-410A and R-404A. To implement the control and phase out of HCFCs, a number of legal provisions will be put in place including the control of import and sale of HCFCs through a reducing quota system and the anticipated regulations to make the recovery and reclamation of refrigerants mandatory for all refrigeration service. On behalf of the Government of Turkey, stage I of the HCFC phase-out management plan (HPMP) is being implemented by UNIDO as the lead implementing agency. Within the scope of the activity of ‘Enhancement of the RRR (recovery, recycling, reclamation) network, including the upgrading of three additional reclamation centers and laboratories, and associated recovery equipment, cylinders and tools’ under the HPMP, three refrigerant reclamation center will be set up in Turkey. The success in establishing and operating the refrigerant reclamation centers will lead to smoothening of the phase-out of HCFCs and also phase down of HFCs. Since recovery, recycling and reclamation of HFC refrigerants will be made mandatory, the refrigerant reclamation centers, when operating, will set a solid foundation for the promotion of the recovery/recycling/reclaim business of HFCs in Turkey. That Terms of Reference shall be used for the preparation of bids for the supply of Service for business model development and equipment for refrigerant reclamation center in Turkey. Reclaimed refrigerant means to reprocess refrigerant to at least the purity specified in appendix A to 40 CFR part 82, subpart F (based on AHRI Standard 700–2016, Specifications for Fluorocarbon and Other Refrigerants) or similar standards

The Scope of Supply

Overall scope of work covered by this Terms of Reference is the provision of one sustainable business model (as specified below) for 3 refrigerant reclamation centers (active waste companies in Turkey) including the supply of necessary equipment. The general scope includes the provision, delivery to the field, installation, commissioning and testing of all equipment given in Annex-1, for operationalization of the proposed business model. Basic capital equipment including the reclaim machines, storage cylinders and recovery equipment are defined in Annex 1. The scope of work will also include technical support for the field implementation in accordance with the business model, respectively the necessary training required for the operating of all equipment and for the day to day operation of the facility. The necessary infrastructure (such as closed area, electricity, water) is the contribution of selected sites, and will be ready in time for the equipment installation and for operation. The refrigerant reclamation centers will be established in three different regions (Figure 1) in Turkey.


The bidders must fulfil UNIDO qualification requirements in order to qualify for the evaluation and to be further considered for a contract. Review of the qualifications of the bidders shall constitute an integral part of the technical and commercial evaluation.


Certificate of Incorporation

The bidder must be registered as a legal entity authorized to enter into contracts for provision of services/works and supply. As a proof, the bidder should provide a certified copy of their Certificate of Incorporation or other documents setting forth the legal basis of the company.

Licenses /Authorizations

The bidder must provide a copy of relevant licenses and/or authorizations, where and if applicable enabling the company to perform the required services/work of the category of the services/work required under the RFP.

Recognized Quality Standards

The bidder is to indicate if and which recognized Quality Control System/Standards are applied to their activity/goods (i.e. ISO 9001 or similar) and attach respective certificates, if applicable.


Years in Business

The bidder must have been in operation for an uninterrupted period of at least three (3) years immediately prior to submission of its Proposal;

Experience fulfilling Contracts with Similar Requirement

The bidder shall list at least three references (within the past five years) of projects and previous experiences in successfully fulfilling contracts of a similar nature / size to the subject RFP. The bidder shall also indicate if the company has already provided services/works and supply to United Nations system of organizations.


Required Financial Information

The bidder shall provide a certified copy of its Financial Statements for the last three (3) years of business as well as a certified copy of UNIDO Financial Statement and Certification form. In addition, information regarding all claims, arbitration and other pending legal action shall be also provided. The following basic commercial qualification requirements shall be met by the bidder:


Profit Margin Ratio should be positive and preferably in excess of 1%.

Liquidity Ratio

A minimum liquidity ratio (ratio of current assets to current liabilities) should preferably be more than 1.


The average annual turnover for the past 3 years should be approximately € 4.5 Mio.


To ensure consideration, your complete, detailed proposal consisting of TWO SEPARATE SEALED ENVELOPES (ONE WITH TECHNICAL PROPOSAL AND THE OTHER WITH THE COMMERCIAL PROPOSAL, BOTH IN HARD AND SOFT VERSIONS) should reach the address indicated in paragraph 3 of the Instructions for the Preparation and Submission of Proposals by Thursday, 10 December 2021, close of business (6 p.m. Vienna time). It is the sole responsibility of the bidder to ensure that the sealed envelope/package containing the proposal reaches the address and office indicated before the time and date stated above. Proposals must be delivered to the designated address during UNIDO working hours from 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., Monday through Friday except for UNIDO holidays. Delivery to any UNIDO office other than that stated will be at the risk of the bidder and will not constitute timely delivery. Proposals received after the above-mentioned deadline will be invalidated.

Mailing Address

Your Proposal must be submitted to the following address:

  • UNIDO Procurement Services Division
  • Attention: Ms. Claudia Ziniel
  • Room D-2011 Wagramer Strasse 5 A-1220 Vienna AUSTRIA

Please inform tracking number by e-mail to [email protected] once the proposal has been dispatched.

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