Consulting Services, Building Concepts for Schools

Consultancy Services for Feasibility Studies and Retrofitting Design of Educational Buildings

Consultancy Services for Feasibility Studies and Retrofitting Design of Educational Buildings in Istanbul

Country: Turkey

Deadline: Dec 10, 2021

Financing: KfW Entwicklungsbank

Reference Number: KfW-CB1.7

Subject: Istanbul Seismic Risk Mitigation and Emergency Preparedness Project (ISMEP)

Requested Services:

  • Lot 1: conduct vulnerability assessments and prepare preliminary and final structural retrofitting designs, including consideration of non-structural elements, architectural, mechanical and electrical designs, cost estimates, bills of quantities, specifications, tender documents and provide an overview synthesis of the feasibility of the program in terms of technical, economic criteria for approximately 23 educational buildings located in Istanbul, substantially on Asian Side
  • Lot 2: conduct vulnerability assessments and prepare preliminary and final structural retrofitting designs, including consideration of non-structural elements, architectural, mechanical and electrical designs, cost estimates, bills of quantities, specifications, tender documents and provide an overview synthesis of the feasibility of the program in terms of technical, economic criteria for approximately 23 educational buildings located in Istanbul, substantially on European Side

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