Asst Admin Officer at UNHCR.

Driver at UNHCR.

This position is open to applications from Group 1, Group 2 and all external candidates, provided that requirements regarding professional experience, academic qualifications, language, etc. are fulfilled.

External candidates must be legally present in Turkey at the time of application, recruitment and hire. Non-Turkish citizens are required to submit a valid Turkish residence permit to be considered.
Your application will NOT be considered if;
–      The application form is not duly filled.
–      The questionnaire at the end of the application form is not answered. (for external candidates)
–      A valid residence permit is not attached to the application. (for non-Turkish external candidates only) Driver

Organizational Setting and Work Relationships

The Driver in the UNHCR Office is normally supervised directly by the Administrative Officer/Associate/Assistant or another staff member when the scale of the Operation so require it. Besides driving, the incumbent is responsible for up keep and maintenance of the assigned UNHCR vehicle(s) as per technical guidance and specifications established by the Organisation. S/he is required to follow strict instructions and security guidance provided by the supervisor. While the basic function of a driver is to drive the official vehicles of UNHCR, s/he may be called upon to perform minor maintenance and repair of UNHCR vehicles.

The Driver has regular contacts with staff within the UNHCR Office and with others (including Partners, government authorities, etc.) outside UNHCR involving a limited exchange of information.

All UNHCR staff members are accountable to perform their duties as reflected in their job description. They do so within their delegated authorities, in line with the regulatory framework of UNHCR which includes the UN Charter, UN Staff Regulations and Rules, UNHCR Policies and Administrative Instructions as well as relevant accountability frameworks. In addition, staff members are required to discharge their responsibilities in a manner consistent with the core, functional, cross-functional and managerial competencies and UNHCR’s core values of professionalism, integrity and respect for diversity.

– Drive UNHCR vehicles for the transport of authorized passengers, deliver, and collect documents and other items.
– Meet official personnel at airports or other locations and facilitate immigration and customs formalities as required.
– Perform day-to-day maintenance of the assigned vehicles; check oil, water, battery, brakes, tires, etc. and ensure that the assigned UNHCR vehicles are road or waterway worthy and maintained up to the established security standards.
– Perform minor repairs, arrange for other repairs, and ensure that the vehicle is kept clean.
– Ensure that the steps required by rules and regulations, or other local procedures, are taken in case of involvement in an accident.
– Log official trips, daily mileage, gas consumption, oil changes, greasing, etc.
– Ensure that instructions and security guidance provided by the supervisor and security focal point are strictly followed.
– Ensures valid documentation for passengers, items or cargo in vehicle.
– Perform other related duties as required.

Minimum Qualifications

Years of Experience / Degree Level
For G2D – 2 years relevant experience with Completion of Primary Education or High School Diploma or higher

Certificates and/or Licenses
*Driving Licences;
(Certificates and Licenses marked with an asterisk* are essential)

Relevant Job Experience
Driving licence, knowledge of driving rules and regulations.

Functional Skills
* DV-Driving Rules and Regulations
DV – Basic Vehicle Mechanical Skills;
(Functional Skills marked with an asterisk* are essential)

Language Requirements
For General Service jobs: Knowledge of English and/or UN working language of the duty station if not English.

All UNHCR workforce members must individually and collectively, contribute towards a working environment where each person feels safe, and empowered to perform their duties. This includes by demonstrating no tolerance for sexual exploitation and abuse, harassment including sexual harassment, sexism, gender inequality, discrimination and abuse of power.

As individuals and as managers, all must be proactive in preventing and responding to inappropriate conduct, support ongoing dialogue on these matters and speaking up and seeking guidance and support from relevant UNHCR resources when these issues arise.

This is a Standard Job Description for all UNHCR jobs with this job title and grade level. The Operational Context may contain additional essential and/or desirable qualifications relating to the specific operation and/or position. Any such requirements are incorporated by reference in this Job Description and will be considered for the screening, shortlisting and selection of candidates. Shortlisted candidates may be required to sit for a test. Only shortlisted candidates will be notified. No late applications will be accepted.

UNHCR is committed to diversity and welcomes applications from qualified candidates regardless of disability, gender identity, marital or civil partnership status, race, color or ethnic and national origins, religion or belief, or sexual orientation.
Female candidates are encouraged to apply.

UNHCR does not charge a fee at any stage of the recruitment process (application, interview meeting, processing, training or any other fees).


A competitive compensation and benefits package is offered. The monthly net salary is between TRY 6,095 and TRY 7,658  depending on relevant experience, dependency status and language proficiency. For more information on UN salaries, allowances and benefits, please visit the portal of the Office of HR Management of United Nations.
See below for this postion’s Operational Context
======================================================================================================== Organizasyon Ortami ve Is Iliskileri

– Sofor, esas olarak Ofis Yetkilisi ve diger yuksek rutbeli yetkililer icin arac suruculugu gorevini gerceklestirir.
– Gorevli kisi, dogrudan Idari Gorevli/Asistant veya diger yetkili personel tarafindan denetlenmektedir.
– Arac suruculugunun yani sira, atanmis UNHCR aracinin/araclarinin bakimindan, organizasyon tarafindan belirlenen teknik rehberlik ve sartnamelere gore sorumludur.
– Gorevli kisinin, supervizor tarafindan saglanan talimatlara ve guvenlik rehberligine uymasi gerekmektedir.
– Soforun temel gorevi, UNHCR’in resmi araclarini kullanmak olmakla birlikte, araclarin kucuk bakim ve onarimlarini yapmasi istenebilir ve ofis yonetimi icin geregi goruldugunde, bakim ve diger destek hizmetlerini yerine getirebilir.
– Kisi bunlarin yani sira gerek gorulmesi durumunda tercumanlik hizmeti de verebilir.
– Sofor, UNHCR Ofisi personeli ve UNHCR disindaki diger kisilerle (ortaklar, hukumet yetkilileri vb.) kisitli bilgi alisverisi iceren duzenli temaslarda bulunur.

Tum UNHCR personeli, gorev tanimlarinda belirtildigi sekilde gorevlerini yerine getirmekle sorumludur. Bunu, Birlesmis Milletler Tuzugu, Birlesmis Milletler Personel Duzenlemeleri ve Kurallari, UNHCR Politikalari ve Idari Talimatlari ile ilgili hesap verebilirlik ve duzenleyici cercevesine uygun olarak, kendilerine devredilen yetkiler dahilinde yaparlar. Ayrica, personelin sorumluluklarini temel, islevsel, islevler arasi ve yonetsel yetkinlikler ve UNHCR’in temel degerleri olan profesyonellik, durustluk ve cesitlilige saygi ile tutarli bir sekilde yerine getirmeleri gerekmektedir.


– UNHCR araclarini yetkili yolcularin tasinmasi, belgeleri ve diger ogeleri teslim edilmesi icin kullanir.
– Havaalanlarinda ya da diger lokasyonlarda resmi personelle bulusup, gerektiginde gocmenlik ve gumruk formalitelerini kolaylastirir.
– Gorevli kendilerine atanmis araclarin gunluk bakimini yapar; yagi, suyu, akuyu, frenleri, lastikleri vb. kontrol eder ve atanan UNHCR araclarinin kara veya su yoluna uygun oldugundan ve belirlenmis guvenlik standartlarina uygun oldugundan emin olur.
– UNHCR tarafindan atanmis aracin kucuk onarimlarini yapar, aracin temizligini saglar ve yapilmasi gereken onarimlarin gerceklestiginden emin olur.
– Bir kazaya karisma durumunda, kural ve duzenlemelerin veya diger yerel kanunlarin gerektirdigi adimlarin atildigindan emin olur.
– Resmi gezileri, gunluk kilometreyi, gaz tuketimini, yag degisimini, vb. hakkinda rapor hazirlar.
– Aractaki yolcular, esyalar veya kargo icin gerekli belgeleri saglar.
– Gerektiginde ilgili diger gorevleri yerine getirir.

Minimum Nitelikler

G2 seviye Sofor icin 2 yillik ilgili deneyim ve Ilkogretim/Lise Diplomasi veya ustu gerekmektedir.
Surucu ehliyeti, surus kurallari ve duzenlemeleri bilgisi.

Sertifikalar ve/veya Lisanslar
*Surucu ehliyeti

Islevsel Yetenekler
* Surus Kurallar¿ ve Duzenlemeleri; Temel Arac Mekanik Becerileri.

Dil gereksinimleri
Genel Hizmet isleri icin: Turkce ve yani sira temel duzeyde Ingilizce bilgisi gerekmektedir.

Yetkinlik Gereksinimleri

Temel yeterlilik:
Sorumluluk, Iletisim, Orgutsel farkindalik, Takim Calismasi ve Is birligi, Surekli Ogrenme Taahhudu, Musteri ve Sonuc Odaklilik

Islevler Arasi Yetkinlikler:

Teknolojik Farkindalik, Analitik dusunme, Planlama ve organizasyon

Tum UNHCR isgucu uyeleri, bireysel ve toplu olarak, her bireyin kendini guvende hissettigi ve gorevlerini yerine getirme yetkisine sahip oldugu bir calisma ortamina katkida bulunmalidir. Bu, cinsel somuru ve istismara, cinsel taciz dahil tacize, cinsiyetcilige, cinsiyet esitsizligine, ayrimciliga ve gucun kotuye kullanilmasina tolerans gostermemeyi icerir. Bireyler ve yoneticiler olarak, herkes uygunsuz davranislari onlemede ve yanit vermede proaktif olmali, bu konularda devam eden diyalogu desteklemeli ve bu sorunlar ortaya ciktiginda ilgili UNHCR kaynaklarindan rehberlik ve destek talep etmelidir. The closing date of the job opening is 19 November 2021.


  • To apply please follow this link
  • To help us track our recruitment effort, please specify (on the application form  and in your cover letter) how ( you heard about this position.

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