Under the guidance and direct supervision of the Head of office of Office of the UN Resident Coordinator and PSEA Task Team in Turkey, the PSEA Coordinator will undertake the following tasks:
Support the PSEA Task Team and PSEA Network, PSEA in-country program and implement coordination of the PSEA Network.
Support the inter-agency PSEA Network for Technical Coordination on PSEA, consisting of membership from UN agencies in Ankara.
Support the PSEA Network in developing and implementing the in-country interagency PSEA work plan.
Support the PSEA Network to update and act on recommendations from the PSEA risk assessments in Turkey and advise senior leadership on strategic decision-making, updating recommendations with relevant findings from SEA assessments.
Support PSEA mainstreaming during planning, policy development and programming within the frameworks of the UNSDCF and 3RP, as appropriate, through the established sector coordination structure.
Represent the PSEA Network and update on relevant PSEA activities in relevant coordination meetings.
Support the PSEA Network in the establishment or improvement of relevant inter-agency PSEA processes and systems based on good practices, as needed.
Work closely with the Gender-Based Violence (GBV) Sub-Sector to implement coordinated referral mechanisms for victim services.
Coordinate with the Inter-agency and Inter-sector working groups and other related coordination mechanisms to facilitate and promote synergy, collaboration and complementary efforts.
Update and maintain the nomination of PSEA focal points from UN agencies, organize and participate in PSEA Network meetings, and enhance communication and information sharing among Focal Points (FPs) in the network.
Ensure that the contact details of PSEA focal points are disseminated to the UN agencies and implementing partners, key stakeholders in their areas of operations, and to beneficiaries and affected populations.
Provide awareness-raising sessions and training on PSEA for the humanitarian community, including staff of humanitarian agencies and its implementing partners, victim assistance providers and relevant sector leads, on a regular basis.
Make appropriate recommendations to the Senior Managers on enhancing SEA prevention strategies, including collecting and analyzing actual/potential vulnerability risk factors for SEA and elaborating measures to address them.
Support senior leadership to develop an engagement strategy with the host government, including identified entry points in relevant ministries and stakeholders for outreach
Discuss with agencies, where required, the development and application of procedures to prohibit the hiring of persons who have a record of SEA offences as well as the inclusion of PSEA content in staff inductions, contracts, and sub-contracting.
As an active Resident Coordinator’s Office team member, efficient, timely, responsive, client-friendly and high-quality support rendered to the UNCT and its beneficiaries in the accomplishment of her/his functions, including:
Results/Outputs can be modified as appropriate; should not entirely mirror the task description but serve as a basis for work plan and deliverables
- Supported the establishment of a PSEA In-Country Network on protection from sexual exploitation and abuse;
- Contributions made to UNCT and partners PSEA focal points trainings, including on the UN Protocol on Allegations of Sexual Exploitation and Abuse Involving Implementing Partner; and on GBV risk mitigation;
- Documentation made of best PSEA practices and lessons learnt in Turkey, for onward dissemination;
- Advice provided on PSEA-related issues that require immediate action and advocacy;
- Participation and active representation of the UNRCO in PSEA forums and coordination meetings;
- Age, Gender and Diversity (AGD) perspective is systematically applied, integrated and documented in all activities throughout the assignment
- A final statement of achievements towards volunteerism for peace and development during the assignment, such as reporting on the number of volunteers mobilized, activities participated in and capacities developed
Institutional Arrangement
The incumbent will be seconded to the Office of the United Nations Resident Coordinator. The UN Resident Coordinator (RC) provides leadership to the UN Country Team in Turkey and the UN’s programming work in support of national priorities. The RC has a team composed of national and international staff, forming the RC Office (RCO), and is based in Ankara.
The PSEA Coordinator will be contracted by UNDP, funded by UNHCR, UNICEF, UNFPA, UN Women, WFP, UNDP, and will report directly to the Resident Coordinator.