Security Officer


Part Time

[Mosul,Duhok,Iraq ]



Harikar NGO is a neutral, non-governmental, non-profit humanitarian organization established on 30th May 2004 by a group of social activists. Harikar NGO as stated in its mission statement strives toward the fulfilment of human and women rights in Dohuk Governorate as stipulated in the new Iraqi constitution of 15th October 2005. Harikar is committed to- within its resources- contribute towards the achievement of the internationally agreed Millennium Development Goals. Harikar believes in human rights, the right of every person to reach his/her potential without discrimination on the basis of race, gender, religion, social segment and ethnicity. Harikar strives to achieve social justice especially among the marginalized vulnerable groups and works towards eliminating all forms of discrimination against women by promoting their capacity to fully participate in community development. Harikar has been able to successfully carry out more than 80 projects, through funding from various partners including UNFPA, RRT/PRT, UNHCR, UNESCO, UNICEF, UNOCHA, Diakonia, UNDP, UNOPS, IRD, Mercy Corps, CARE International, ASB, GIZ, Acted, IRC, IRI, NDI, SCF-UK, Mission East, ICSP and others.



                  Terms of References  




Job Overview:

The purpose of this role is to ensure that Harikar NGO and local personnel are working within an environment consistent with accepted minimum safety and security standards. This encompasses the development of security plans and of mainstreaming the individual and collective sense of security and safety awareness and responsibility. It also consists of advising the Executive Director on security challenges, developing risk assessments and proposing risk reduction measures in addition to developing, maintaining, updating and implementing, when necessary, security protocols and operating procedures according to the changing situation.

Scope of Work (Duties and Responsibilities):



  1. Environment Analysis:


  • Analyse the parameters of the working environment by assessing the nature of the threats and Harikar vulnerabilities in relation to the project implementation and emergency situation.
  • Collect the necessary data and information to develop a comprehensive risk assessment plan.
  • Monitor political, social, economic and military situation and identify trends relevant to the security situation in the projects site of Harikar.


  1. Security Management:


  • Prevention
  • Contribute to develop a safety and security culture within the mission by addressing and helping staff to address safety and security related issues.
  • Ensure that security planning becomes an integral part of day-to-day operations and is integrated into the development of future programs.
  • Assist with the strategic and operational analysis and assessments, and with the refinement of program strategies.
  • Perform security risk assessments or evaluation missions to the field and regularly review safety and security procedures.
  • Ensure that Harikar operations meet the minimum standards and comply with policies and procedures.
  • Develop and regularly update the Safety and Security Management Plan and tools in accordance with the nature of safety and security risks (including detailed threat assessment, security protocols, standard operating procedures for personnel movement & transport, office, warehouse, tele/radio communications, incident report sheets, and asset protection).
  • Develop appropriate safety and security protocols depending on the nature of specific threats such as UXOs, landmine, IT, and cash management.
  • Ensure that safety and security dimensions are factored into all operational activities such as programming (including budget), advocacy and communication.
  • Assist managers to enhance standards in relation to safety and security:
  • Coordinate with the project managers to ensure field staff know how to identify health risks in the region.
  • How to protect against illness, injury and stress, and how to obtain proper support or medical treatment.
  • Work with administrative/logistics staff to ensure appropriate steps are taken to safeguard office premises, equipment and residential property (guards, locks, lighting, alarms, and fire equipment).
  • Develop a network of contacts among local actors to facilitate Harikar work and enhance the security of its operations.
  • Represent Harikar and coordinate amongst all actors (state, military, UN, NGO, etc) on all matters pertaining to safety and security.
  • Organize and circulate relevant safety and security information to the staff and provide an opportunity for employees to voice safety and/or security-related concerns.
  • Contribute to the security of humanitarian community by sharing relevant security related information.
  • Ensure timely and accurate reporting of safety and security incidents.
  • Coordinate training in safety and security, ensuring that staff have the necessary equipment and are trained accordingly.
  • Ensure that project proposals and operational plans budgets include safety and security plans.
  • Ensure that all incoming visitors receive a security briefing and information.
  • Ensure all staff understand and fulfil individual and collective responsibilities for safety and security.
  • Supervise and enforce (including disciplinary action where necessary) compliance safety and security standards and procedures.


  • Reaction
  • Ensure that an administrative structure is put in place to effectively deal with crisis management.
  • Develop contingency plans for incidents management events such:
  1. Accidents, ambush, car hijacking etc.
  2. Severe injuries and serious illness (hospitalization or medivac).
  3. Death of employee.
  4. Destruction of essential assets.
  • Train staff on contingency measures and ensure they know how to react.
  • Establish relocation and emergency evacuation plans.


  1. Recovery and Resumption of Operations:


  • Ensure that preparations are made to enable post incident counselling to be offered to staff who have been confronted to traumatic events.
  • Take the necessary measures to ensure post incident recovery and operation continuity.
  • Make the necessary arrangements to ensure resumption of critical processes, systems and operations (alternate worksites, office storage, and remote control).


  1. Review:
  • Review periodically past experiences and practices and propose improvements based on analytical judgment.


Key Internal Contacts


Executive Director, Operations Manager, Finance and Administration Managers, HR Officers, Transportation Officer.


Key External contacts

Contacts Professional and relevant counterparts International Organizations (UNDSS, UNOCHA, UNDAC, INSO…), NGOs, private security companies, military organizations, and government representatives.


Adhere to Harikar policies and principles:


  • Ensure that project targets those beneficiaries in the targeted areas.
  • Promote and share ideas for improvement and necessary changes of activities.


Liaise and collaborate with relevant local authorities and other key stakeholders.


  • Build strong networks and connections with service providers of NNGOs, INGOs, and related governmental entities.
  • Coordinate and cooperate with other Harikars’ project staff.




Harikar NGO is a neutral, non-governmental, non-profit humanitarian organization established on 30th May 2004 by a group of social activists. Harikar NGO as stated in its mission statement strives toward the fulfilment of human and women rights in Dohuk Governorate as stipulated in the new Iraqi constitution of 15th October 2005. Harikar is committed to- within its resources- contribute towards the achievement of the internationally agreed Millennium Development Goals. Harikar believes in human rights, the right of every person to reach his/her potential without discrimination on the basis of race, gender, religion, social segment and ethnicity. Harikar strives to achieve social justice especially among the marginalized vulnerable groups and works towards eliminating all forms of discrimination against women by promoting their capacity to fully participate in community development. Harikar has been able to successfully carry out more than 80 projects, through funding from various partners including UNFPA, RRT/PRT, UNHCR, UNESCO, UNICEF, UNOCHA, Diakonia, UNDP, UNOPS, IRD, Mercy Corps, CARE International, ASB, GIZ, Acted, IRC, IRI, NDI, SCF-UK, Mission East, ICSP and others.



                  Terms of References  




Job Overview:

The purpose of this role is to ensure that Harikar NGO and local personnel are working within an environment consistent with accepted minimum safety and security standards. This encompasses the development of security plans and of mainstreaming the individual and collective sense of security and safety awareness and responsibility. It also consists of advising the Executive Director on security challenges, developing risk assessments and proposing risk reduction measures in addition to developing, maintaining, updating and implementing, when necessary, security protocols and operating procedures according to the changing situation.

Scope of Work (Duties and Responsibilities):



  1. Environment Analysis:


  • Analyse the parameters of the working environment by assessing the nature of the threats and Harikar vulnerabilities in relation to the project implementation and emergency situation.
  • Collect the necessary data and information to develop a comprehensive risk assessment plan.
  • Monitor political, social, economic and military situation and identify trends relevant to the security situation in the projects site of Harikar.


  1. Security Management:


  • Prevention
  • Contribute to develop a safety and security culture within the mission by addressing and helping staff to address safety and security related issues.
  • Ensure that security planning becomes an integral part of day-to-day operations and is integrated into the development of future programs.
  • Assist with the strategic and operational analysis and assessments, and with the refinement of program strategies.
  • Perform security risk assessments or evaluation missions to the field and regularly review safety and security procedures.
  • Ensure that Harikar operations meet the minimum standards and comply with policies and procedures.
  • Develop and regularly update the Safety and Security Management Plan and tools in accordance with the nature of safety and security risks (including detailed threat assessment, security protocols, standard operating procedures for personnel movement & transport, office, warehouse, tele/radio communications, incident report sheets, and asset protection).
  • Develop appropriate safety and security protocols depending on the nature of specific threats such as UXOs, landmine, IT, and cash management.
  • Ensure that safety and security dimensions are factored into all operational activities such as programming (including budget), advocacy and communication.
  • Assist managers to enhance standards in relation to safety and security:
  • Coordinate with the project managers to ensure field staff know how to identify health risks in the region.
  • How to protect against illness, injury and stress, and how to obtain proper support or medical treatment.
  • Work with administrative/logistics staff to ensure appropriate steps are taken to safeguard office premises, equipment and residential property (guards, locks, lighting, alarms, and fire equipment).
  • Develop a network of contacts among local actors to facilitate Harikar work and enhance the security of its operations.
  • Represent Harikar and coordinate amongst all actors (state, military, UN, NGO, etc) on all matters pertaining to safety and security.
  • Organize and circulate relevant safety and security information to the staff and provide an opportunity for employees to voice safety and/or security-related concerns.
  • Contribute to the security of humanitarian community by sharing relevant security related information.
  • Ensure timely and accurate reporting of safety and security incidents.
  • Coordinate training in safety and security, ensuring that staff have the necessary equipment and are trained accordingly.
  • Ensure that project proposals and operational plans budgets include safety and security plans.
  • Ensure that all incoming visitors receive a security briefing and information.
  • Ensure all staff understand and fulfil individual and collective responsibilities for safety and security.
  • Supervise and enforce (including disciplinary action where necessary) compliance safety and security standards and procedures.


  • Reaction
  • Ensure that an administrative structure is put in place to effectively deal with crisis management.
  • Develop contingency plans for incidents management events such:
  1. Accidents, ambush, car hijacking etc.
  2. Severe injuries and serious illness (hospitalization or medivac).
  3. Death of employee.
  4. Destruction of essential assets.
  • Train staff on contingency measures and ensure they know how to react.
  • Establish relocation and emergency evacuation plans.


  1. Recovery and Resumption of Operations:


  • Ensure that preparations are made to enable post incident counselling to be offered to staff who have been confronted to traumatic events.
  • Take the necessary measures to ensure post incident recovery and operation continuity.
  • Make the necessary arrangements to ensure resumption of critical processes, systems and operations (alternate worksites, office storage, and remote control).


  1. Review:
  • Review periodically past experiences and practices and propose improvements based on analytical judgment.


Key Internal Contacts


Executive Director, Operations Manager, Finance and Administration Managers, HR Officers, Transportation Officer.


Key External contacts

Contacts Professional and relevant counterparts International Organizations (UNDSS, UNOCHA, UNDAC, INSO…), NGOs, private security companies, military organizations, and government representatives.


Adhere to Harikar policies and principles:


  • Ensure that project targets those beneficiaries in the targeted areas.
  • Promote and share ideas for improvement and necessary changes of activities.


Liaise and collaborate with relevant local authorities and other key stakeholders.


  • Build strong networks and connections with service providers of NNGOs, INGOs, and related governmental entities.
  • Coordinate and cooperate with other Harikars’ project staff.

Qualifications & Preferred Skills

Experience, Qualifications and Skills:


  • Educational Qualifications:
  • A university Bachelor degree in relevant field.
  • Professional Experience:
  • 3 – 5 years humanitarian aid experience.
  • High level of experience in developing security related technical tools guidelines and systems.
  • Qualifications and/or experience in professional security related fields.
  • Ability to teach basic personal safety and security, and landmine safety and awareness.
  • Strong assessment, evaluation, analysis and strategic planning skills.
  • Knowledge of Humanitarian /Human Rights and IDP/Refugee Laws.
  • Skills:
  • People Skills: Ability to work independently and as a team player who demonstrates leadership and is able to support and train local and international staff and also able to work with disaster affected communities in a sensitive and participatory manner.
  • Communication Skills: Well, developed written and oral communication skills. Able to communicate clearly and sensitively with internal and external stakeholders as a representative of Harikar. This includes effective negotiation and representation skills.
  • Integrity: Works with trustworthiness and integrity and has a clear commitment to Harikar’s core values and humanitarian principles.
  • Resilience/Adaptability and Flexibility: Ability to operate effectively under extreme circumstances including stress, high security risks and harsh living conditions. Works and lives with a flexible, adaptable and resilient manner.
  • Awareness and Sensitivity of Self and Others: Demonstrates awareness and sensitivity to gender and diversity. Have experience and the ability to live and work in diverse cultural contexts in a culturally appropriate manner. Has a capacity to make accurate self-assessment particularly in high stress and high security contexts.
  • Work Style: Well planned and organized even within a fluid working environment and has a capacity for initiative and decision making with competent analytical and problem solving skills.
  • Knowledge and Skills: Knowledge of Harikar policies and procedures, Sphere and the Red Cross/ NGO Code of Conduct. Requires general finance, administration, information management and telecommunication skills and proficiency in information technology/computer skills.
  • Multiple language skills desirable.
  • Advanced computer skills, particular Microsoft Word, Excel, Power Point and Outlook. familiar working with database and IT issues.



Reporting, Supervision and Performance Evaluation:


Reports to: Executive Director

Performance Evaluation: Executive Director.


Expected Conduct:

  • Ensure that confidentiality is always maintained when sharing data and information about persons of concern;
  • Work with the Harikar/GIZ team in a cooperative and collaborative manner;
  • Maintain cooperative relationships with partners;
  • Maintain high professional and ethical standard when both on and off duty, including upholding the principles and practices set out in the Code of Conduct and adhering to international standards;
  • Seek guidance and technical support when needed with “do no harm” principle being the priority at all times.





  • All Harikar staff must be committed to the Core Humanitarian Principles as well as the Core Humanitarian Standards in Accountability and Quality Management.
  • All Harikar policies, guidelines and checklists are an integral part of this Job Description and must be implemented, e.g.:
  • Harikar Operational Guidelines and Policies.
  • Guidelines on Prevention of Corruption.
  • Guideline on PSEA.
  • Harikar Code of Conduct and
  • Checklist for procurement documents filing for supporting documents.

How To Apply

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