Medical Teams International is inviting all interested parties to bid for the supply and delivery of laptop computers. The tender will aim to establish a 2-year global framework agreement with the winning bidder(s). Please reference “FY20 – ITT 001 – GLOBAL LAPTOP TENDER” in all communications. All submissions must be sent to no later than 5:00 p.m. PST (UTC-8) on August 15, 2020. Late bids will not be accepted. For the full tender dossier, please click: To
International Open Tender Procedure for “SERVICE of a Pan-European survey”
Category: Tender/Procurement
WeWorldGVC is an Italian independent NGO born from the merger between GVC Ngo (founded in Bologna in 1971) and WeWorld Foundation (founded in Milan in 1999), active in 29 countries with the aim of increasing the impact of their Development Cooperation and Humanitarian Aid projects in 29 countries worldwide, including Italy. Together WeWorld and GVC carry out 128 projects reaching over 2,4 million direct beneficiaries and 12,3 million indirect beneficiaries. Children, women and youth, actors of change in every
RFP/16MULTI/AMM/PRO/22-05-2020/1.ACTED is seeking through this Request for Proposals (RFP) to prequalify one or more companies for the supply of the following services in various locations in Syria. Description: Electronic Transfer System (for Electronic Vouchers) Service Location: Syria Service class / category: Software / Online Platform Specifications: As per detailed in the Terms of Reference Proposed Timeline: Pilot Project for 10 months starting in September 2020 The tender will be conducted using ACTED standard bidding documents, open to all qualified