Vocational Market Assessment Consultant





  • About WfWI and Our Global Signature Program 



Women for Women International (WfWI) works with the most marginalized women in conflict-affected countries to help them move from poverty and isolation to self-sufficiency and empowerment. The support enables women to earn and save money, improve health and well-being, influence decisions in their homes and communities, and connect to networks for support. By utilizing skills, knowledge, and resources, women are able to create sustainable change for themselves, their families, and their communities. WfWI’s vision is a world in which all women determine the course of their lives and reach their full potential. 

WfWI promotes a gendered graduation approach that is integrated and rights-based. It aims to build women’s self-reliance in every aspect of life: economic stability, health and wellbeing, family and community participation and decision making, and social networks. The bundled approach supports social and economic empowerment through: 

  1. Foundational training in modules that include the value of women’s work, ways to save money, ways to earn income and improve income-generating activities, basic business skills, ways to improve health and wellbeing, women’s rights and prevention of VAW, strategies to make decisions and negotiate, civic action and advocacy, social networks, and safety nets; 
  2. Skill-building in numeracy and a chosen vocational skill (e.g., agriculture, sewing); 
  3. Resource provision in the form of a monthly cash stipend (US $10), formal and informal savings and referrals to health, legal, and financial services; and 
  4. Connections to other women through safe spaces for women to learn and share together, women-led social and economicc groups, and a letter exchange with international supporters.



  • Our Program in Iraq



Since 2003, WfWI Iraq office has served more than 16,000 women through our year-long program in Baghdad, Karbala and since 2017 more specifically in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq (KRI). The Women meet bi-weekly in groups of 25 to learn (during COVID period in smaller groups of 8 to 12 women) share and support one another. WfWI creates a safe and comfortable space for women to learn about essential health practices and nutrition, fundamental human and legal rights, household decision making, and participation in civic affairs and advocacy.

To support women to earn and save money, WfWI Iraq also offers training sessions in numeracy, savings, business management basics skills and cooperative management skills. Women receive 40-70 hours of hands-on professional and vocational training in market-oriented livelihoods.  

Each program participant also receives a training stipend of $10 equivalent in Iraqi Dinar per month. The majority of participants either save this money or use it to contribute household or training needs, or invest in a small business. For women customarily excluded from economic activities, this may be the first time they have control over their own money. 

WfWI IRAQ also introduced saving groups to women in the program. As another vehicle for financial inclusion, these savings and lending groups enable women to save more and access credit to grow their businesses.

Upon enrollment, the women are also trained and supported to select appropriate vocational tracks they want to practice or which they are already doing that they would like to strengthen. Sewing and hairdressing have been the dominant vocational tracks for most of the participants. 


  • Purpose of the Market Assessment



WfWI Iraq is seeking the services of an experienced consultant or team of consultants/firm to undertake a comprehensive market assessment to identify and inform the selection of viable vocational skill options by the women participants enrolled in our Program in Iraq.  


The study aims at three main objectives, namely:


  1. Analysis of different business sectors and vocations in the target locations to inform the identification and selection of a wide range of viable vocational skills options to be undertaken by women participants enrolled in WfWI’ Stronger Women Stronger Nations Programme. 
  2. Comprehensive review of the viability of current vocational tracks (including through existing participant data/M&E data available) to identify those that should be retained or dropped and/or specific recommendations to improve performance.
  3. Build the knowledge and skills of the WfWI staff to be able to undertake similar assessments in new sites independently in the future.


Key Questions to be answered by this assessment include but are not limited to:


  • What are the existing value chains or market systems that the women are currently working or want to work in & why? 
  • Does the market context in which women seek to operate offer sufficient viable opportunities to diversify their businesses? Is there any unmet demand for particular products or services and how big is it? Is there scope to create new markets for the products and services especially using online platform or digital solutions? 
  • Who are the main competitors? Why do customers buy from them? What strategies can be employed to win and retain new customers? 
  • What support is needed for the women to translate training received to actual business activities? What skills or knowledge do they need to be able to produce or supply products at a competitive price, right quality and quantities at the right time as demanded by the customers?
  • What exists in the market systems already that can help them take advantage of the identified market opportunities (enablers)?
  • What challenges to overcome   that could affect women’s success and how can these be addressed?



  • Scope of the Assessment



The study will be undertaken over a period of 30 days  and in terms of geographic scope, will cover the following target areas: 


Duhok governorate: 

  • Shekhan town. 
  • Surrounding villages, sub-districts where WFWI is planning to expand programming to. 


Erbil Governorate: 

  • Basirma Syrian Refugee camp 
  • Dara Shakran Syrian refugee camp. 



  • Key Tasks and Expected Deliverables 



The consultant is expected to perform the following key tasks:


  1. Review viability of existing vocational tracks that WFWI training participants have selected and make recommendations for future programming. 
  2. Identify all potential trades/sectors existing in the community and its surroundings, analyze their viability and profitability 
  3. Analyze all relevant opportunities and challenges in the identified value chains and how these could be harnessed/addressed to improve women’s livelihood options and income earning ability
  4. Explore not only current markets but also other potentially promising sectors that are best adapted to the needs and economic capacities of the women in the program 
  5. Propose practical recommendations to WfWI Iraq on any adaptations required to the vocational training to make it more effective in supporting and accompanying women in their chosen trades to be more profitable and competitive in the market
  6. Identify existing structures, individual entrepreneurs and other relevant stakeholders/service providers in the target communities for potential collaboration in the delivery of the vocational training and who can continue to support the women even beyond the programme period 
  7. Build capacity of WfWI staff and trainers on how to conduct similar market analysis or update past analysis


The key deliverables include:


  • An inception report detailing the key activities and planned timeline, plan for literature review of all relevant secondary sources, detailed study methodology/approach, sampling framework and key stakeholders to be interviewed, market assessment tools including both qualitative and quantitative data collection and analysis tools, ethical considerations and plan for validation and dissemination of study findings and recommendations.
  • A draft and final report with key findings and recommendations of all relevant and viable vocational track options identified in the target regions and what support is required to enable the women to take up these options. The report should also include relevant annexures like terms of reference, list of documents reviewed, programme/itinerary detailing meetings attended and persons interviewed, data collection and analysis tools used and any other relevant material, including references.


  • Profile of Consultants



We are looking for qualified and experienced local consultants in Iraq who meet the following criteria: 


  • Advanced degree in a relevant field with a minimum of five years’ experience in international development. 
  • Demonstrated experience in conducting market analysis/assessments for vocational training for low-income groups in conflict and post-conflict environments
  • Good understanding and commitment to gender equality and social inclusion principles
  • Ability to design, manage and implement primary research with marginalized and conflict affected women. This may include the design of surveys, in-depth interviews, focus group discussions etc
  • Proficient in both quantitative and qualitative research methods including participatory and inclusive approaches. 
  • Should demonstrate solid understanding and previous experience using various sampling methods, data collection and cleaning, and data/statistical analysis using appropriate software . 
  • Experience of working or conducting similar studies in Middle East Region , particularly IRAQ  will be an added advantage
  • Fluency in both English with Kurdish and Arabic languages as an added advantage
  • Excellent communication and report writing skills
  • Strong capacity building and mentorship/coaching skills
  • Ability to work within strict/tight deadlines and deliver quality work


N/B: While consultants may be nominated by WfWI they must not have a conflict of interest with the on-going activities of WfWI in Iraq.  


  1. How to apply


All interested applicants, should submit a proposal with the following key elements: 

  • Short overview of how the candidate or firm meets the qualifications, experience and skills requirements 
  • Description of proposed approach and methodology 
  • Workplan/Expected Timelines for the delivery key tasks/milestones
  • Consolidated Financial Proposal/Budget (The IRAQ office will only meet costs of supplies, transportation and payment of data collectors) 
  • Up-to-date CV of lead consultant and other team members if applicable including the roles and responsibilities of each (and what support the consultant expects from WfWI’s IRAQ team); 
  • Examples of relevant studies that the candidate has previously conducted and details of persons that could be contacted to provide a reference if needed. 


Deadline for Submission of the technical and financial proposal and all other accompanying documents will be 18th November,2021

Completed applications should be delivered to the WfWI / Iraq Office located at Villa#22, Dream City, Erbil or sent to following email address:  with subject line “Vocational Market Assessment Consultant”.

Non-compliant or incomplete applications will be disregarded.


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